Wednesday, October 05, 2005

A trip to the dentist

First visit
Maita had her teeth checked early last week.  This visit was a result of her losing one of her front teeth.  The dentist found several teeth with cavities and worked on one of them.  This is her second cavity.  An appointment was made for the following week as there are other teeth to work on.

We also took Erika to have her teeth checked.  At first both of them wanted to be the first.  I guess this is the effect of the frequent reminders that they are going to the dentist to have their teeth checked.  Both Maita and Erika were apprehensive at the dental clinic.  Erika seems to have no cavities but the dentist told us to brush her teeth better.  It was funny to watch Erika being checked while her teeth were half clenched.   She finally cried when the dentist tried to polish her teeth with the electric thing-a-ma-jig.

Second visit
We took Maita to the dentist this morning to continue the cavity work.  The dentist worked on the remaining cavities.  A total of 3 teeth were filled this morning.  So Maita has a total of 5 teeth with cavities.  The next checkup is 6 months later.

We were a little disappointed to find out that Maita has cavities.  She's been cavity free for close to six years now.  We've been careful with her diet and we did not encourage the eating of candies.  Unfortunately, this temptation for candy is everywhere - in the malls, among other children and their parents, every trip to the convenience store, and now even in our house (our domestic helper has a sweet tooth and keeps a supply of candy and cola).  I guess we'll just have to make sure that both girls brush their teeth well.  We also told Nehriza, our domestic helper, to stop offering candy to our girls.

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