Saturday, April 29, 2006

Interesting times

The past days have been really hectic. I wanted to write something about what we did Sunday and it’s now Friday. Time has been flying by so quickly as we've been quite busy. L and I have no doubt that this year is going to be an interesting year, both personally and in our business.

On Sunday, I had to drive to Taipei early in the morning for my interview. L also had a similar interview later in the afternoon and I had to go get her when she got off the bus in Taipei.

The interview that I had was for a position in a graduate program in Taiwan studies. The program is called the International Master's program in Taiwan Studies (IMTS) and details on the program is here. L's interview was for a similar program with a focus on China (IMCS}.

I was attracted to the IMTS program because it will give me a deeper understanding of Taiwan. The fact that it is held entirely in English is also a major attraction. In any case, I think I'm a shoo in to the program and I'll know by mid May whether I’ve been accepted into the program. The reason for my confidence is as follows – there are 12 places reserved for Taiwanese and only 8 of us took the test. L might have a bit of a harder time but then there were only 41 people (with a few no shows in the interview) who took the test for 30 places in the IMCS program.

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