Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A trip to the bookstore

Early Saturday morning, Maita told L that she wanted to go to the bookstore.  Right then and there our schedule for the day was set.  As the two young girls woke up early, we had enough time to do our marketing in the traditional wet market in the city then walk to the nearby bookstore, Eslite.

At the bookstore, it was not so easy to pick out books for Maita and Erika.  They both had their own ideas on what book they wanted to buy.  Originally, we looked for a Peter Pan book.  Failing to find this, I asked the two girls to find a suitable replacement that I would “approve” first before buying.  I tried to steer them to some books that I selected but they had their eyes on some other items.  I ended up buying a Disney book for Erika and a kind of pop-out book for Maita.  On book buying trips like these, I prefer to buy English books and I think both my girls know this.

On hindsight, the Disney book was a good buy.  It was a collection of four stories plus a CD.  The stories were: Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, and Snow White.  Erika and Maita identify with the four heroines in the stories and they each had a favorite character.

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